Use Our Reputable Renovation Contractors

We have been working with reputable renovation contractors for 20+ years. The primary reason that Chase Real Estate properties yield profits is due to having a long term relationship with contractors that are reliable, stay on budget and are critical thinkers.

Order Renovation

Renovation Payment Schedule

First Payment to Start Project 50%

Progress Payment at 75% Completion

Final Payment Due at 100% After Final Walkthrough And Punch-List Have Been Completed

Home Inspections Repairs Requested by Buyer - Paid as Change Order


Average Renovation Time *

Rehab Timeframe

Demolition ( 5 Days )Demolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition icon
Construction ( 36 Days )Demolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition icon
Final Walk-Through Items ( 7 Days )Demolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition icon
Complete Punchlist Repairs ( 7 Days )Demolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition iconDemolition icon

Renovation may be longer or shorter in duration depending on the scope of work, municipality requirements and many other factors. Permitting can vary from each municipality, this is an investors responsibility. Chase Real Estate does not renovate property.

Investing in real estate can be risky. You can make money and you can lose money as well. Forward-looking statements or estimations provided by Chase Real Estate do not represent any final determination on investment performance. While the information provided to investors has been researched and is thought to be reasonable and accurate, any real estate investment is speculative in nature. Any areas concerning taxes or specific legal or technical questions should be referred to lawyers, accountants, consultants, brokers, or other professionals licensed, qualified or authorized to render such advice. Real estate investing may not be suitable for all investors.

Chase Real Estate does not hire or have a financial interest in the renovation of property. Investors can hire any provider of their choosing.