Meet Our Renovation Teams

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Team Green

We supply reputable renovation contractors to our real estate investors. Meet Matt he is a real pro!

Team Orange

We supply investors reputable renovation contractors. When you buy a property we can provide great contractors. Meet Bob.

Team Red

We supply investors reputable renovation contractors. When you buy a property we can provide great contractors. Meet Phil.

Team Blue

Video Coming soon. Blue Team - Tom


Investing in real estate can be risky. You can make money and you can lose money as well. Forward-looking statements or estimations provided by Chase Real Estate do not represent any final determination on investment performance. While the information provided to investors has been researched and is thought to be reasonable and accurate, any real estate investment is speculative in nature. Any areas concerning taxes or specific legal or technical questions should be referred to lawyers, accountants, consultants, brokers, or other professionals licensed, qualified or authorized to render such advice. Real estate investing may not be suitable for all investors.

Chase Real Estate does not hire or have a financial interest in the renovation process. Investors can hire any provider of their choosing. When purchasing or selling property Chase Real Estate is working in a brokerage capacity.